Well, now that I got tons of readers, I should say that the title is a bit misleading 😉 I have been running less hours to prepare this championships compared to the previous ones, but I have slightly changed my training. I have, thanks to the year of sickness, learnt how to understand my body and my mind, how to respect it and how to properly fuel it (mostly with good fruits and veggies, but also with chocolate ;)).
Being my last international race the University-World-Championships in Czech 2014, it felt great to do my “come back” and start from where I left, once again in Czech Republic!
I have now finally finished my BIG EOC analysis and I can share some of my numbers, experiences and Fotos.
Starting from some facts and numbers:
2 – best EOC results 18th sprint (yay!) and 38th middle
7 – races in 8 days (I know it isn’t the record…)
0 – hours of massage/physiotherapy (yes, that would have been nice!)
2 – sizes less of the new Italian-dresses would have actually fit me 😉
5 – runners of my Austrian club OLC-Graz participated at EOC
5 – runners of RunninGraz athletics club participated (ok almost all the same guys, just switching out 2 ;))
6 – place for Robert and the AUT boys!!
1 – new friend -> Karol the restaurant guy
9 – games of “cavacamisa” (literally “take-off-your-shirt” and oh it’s a card game!) I won against Truffa
3 – interesting new facts I learned about ostriches (just for the record…they eat bricks….)
292 – likes +32 comments on my Facebook photo where I shared my joy, thank you guys!!!
(For a more serious and boring analysis you can check out my training diary on Attackpoint)

Ice-cream I got from my new friend Karol in the evening after the sprint…nobody knows why I got it but thanks Karol!! 🙂